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Let me say that again: it’s a win when you say it’s a win. It lives in your declaration, and it’s completely up to you (no one else) – if and when you want to recognize it as one. Let’s take a goal and break it down into a list of wins:
Goal: Run a marathon.
- Making the decision to run. Win.
- Registering for the marathon. Win.
- Investigating and booking the travel to get there. Win.
- Creating a training schedule. Win.
- Blocking out time in the calendar to train. Win.
- Getting out of bed at 5am, even though you’re tired. Win.
- Running 2 miles. Win.
- Eating more protein. Win.
- Saying "no" to staying out late with your friends on Friday night so you can get up early to train. Win.
- Running 13 miles. Win.
- Running despite the weather. Win.
- Drinking more water. Win.
- Getting to the airport on time. Win.
- Showing up at the marathon. Win.
- Running the marathon. Win.
- Celebrating your achievement. Win.
- …and there are hundreds more…
This week: look for wins every day -- no matter how big or small.
The whole point in this is to practice being conscious and present, to notice how often you are achieving, and to be proud and grateful for all that you are capable of. It’s not just about crossing something off your list, but to recognize how much it took to get that thing crossed off – in who you’re being, the choices you make, the commitment and perseverance, and in the actions themselves.
Living your life to the fullest is a huge win, but the acts of getting out of bed and showing up are also wins.
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